Savings & Health
Environmental And Financial Savings
1 New Moon Pad = 200 Disposable Pads!
New Moon Pads' unique design, workmanship, and high quality fabrics give them over twice the life expectancy (10 years) of other pads, which means they cost less than half as much in the long run. Many customers report their pads are still going strong after much longer. Paying for themselves in just 1 to 2 years from the cost of disposables means 8 to 9 years of cost-free menstrual protection every 10 years. On average, 10,000 to 15,000 disposable menstrual products would be thrown away over the estimated 40 years from puberty to menopause. Compare that to cloth. If you purchased 20 to 25 cloth pads every 10 years, only 80 to 100 cloth pads total would be needed. Switching to cloth can save thousands of dollars AND disposables from the landfill. Plus, you'll save gas and time when you shop online from the comfort of your home. Using cloth means no more running to the store at the last minute because you’ve run out of disposables, and no more depending on fragile supply chains for disposable products.
With cloth pads, you don’t even calculate laundry costs because the pads just go in with whatever laundry you are currently doing. They piggyback on the cost you would already be putting out for laundry. The sooner you switch, the more you’ll save!
Health Benefits
Switching to reusable washable cloth menstrual pads can potentially decrease period discomfort, skin irritation, yeast infections, and menstrual flow (for shorter periods). Most who have made the switch report many or all of these changes in their monthly cycle.
New Moon Pads Contain No PFAS (What are PFAS?)
Only 100% cotton fabrics are used for the pad tops and absorbency layering, and breathable Polartec barrier poly fleece is used for the leak resistant layering, the same fleece used in high end sportswear. Neither fabric is made with PFAS. Initial source manmade fibres such as Zorb or PUL are not used in New Moon Pads.
Comfort And Convenience
Today’s cloth pads are above and beyond what their basic cloth cousins were way back when. With high quality, high absorbency, breathable, leak-resistant fabrics, they’re far more comfortable, functional, and appealing. New Moon Pads all-in-one pads (nothing to stuff, add, or piece together) quickly and easily snap into place. Using cloth means you always have protection on hand, no more running to the store at the last minute because you’ve run out of disposables.
Peace Of Mind
No more worrying if you don’t have access to, run out of, or can’t afford the high overall cost of disposables month after month. Being prepared means peace of mind each and every month. New Moon Pads are designed to last up to ten years in a regular rotation, so once you’ve put your stash together, that’s it! A decade of worry-free periods. Let’s face it, we’re living in uncertain times, whether it’s environmental concerns, extreme weather, or the political landscape, and the last thing you need to worry about is access to menstrual protection.
With Disposable You're Literally Throwing Your Money Away
Thanks to New Moon Pads’ customers making the switch to reusable cloth pads, over half a million fewer disposable pads and tampons end up in landfills every month! Yes, you read that right... that’s EVERY MONTH!
Take Control Of Your Feminine Experience
Corporations that sell chemical-laden disposable feminine hygiene products spend huge advertising dollars to continually bombard women with the message that menstruation is something to be ashamed of and that somehow their products are the magic bullets that will take it all away. Seriously? How many of us really dance around on a beach, leaping and laughing, wearing skin-tight white pants right in the middle of our moontime? That should be the first indication that these corporations are really out of touch with women and their needs, emotions, or feelings in general. It is not surprising considering that women are mostly absent from upper management of Fortune 500 companies that manufacture disposable menstrual products.
Cloth pads have taken a big surge in popularity and are becoming more mainstream, but you don’t see these corporations making the switch from disposable menstrual products (which can have devastating health consequences) and there’s a reason for that. With cloth, they can’t sell you new product month after month, year after year, which means there’s no huge profit in it for them. Every New Moon Pads cloth pad replaces approximately 200 disposable pads. That’s a huge bite out of disposable pad profits.
Menstruation is a natural process of life and should be treated with respect and dignity, not as a never ending profit source for big business at the expense of women’s health and well-being. It’s time to shift the power from corporate influence and make the choices that are right for you as an individual. And you do have choices, more now than ever before. It’s up to you to take back your moontime and regain control of your feminine experience.
Toxic Shock Syndrome
It’s ironic that disposable manufacturers call their pads "sanitary pads" when there’s nothing sanitary about disposable pads. There’s no actual product sterilization and they’re loaded with dioxins from the bleaching process used in their manufacture. Dioxins, the side-effect of chlorine bleaching, are known carcinogens and resistant to biological breakdown. It’s the same with tampons. Toxic shock syndrome has been associated with the use of tampons. If you currently use tampons, be sure to read the information leaflet included in the box you purchased.
Co-host with Zac Efron on the Emmy™ Award Winning Netflix docu-series "Down to Earth".
Stats And Facts
- U.S. women landfill or incinerate 11.3 billion disposable menstrual products per year.
- It takes approximately 500 years for one disposable menstrual pad to partially biodegrade.
- Disposable menstrual product manufacturers are not required to list their ingredients. Nail polish and shampoo manufacturers are.
- Slim maxi paper products are impregnated with synthetic gelling crystals to increase absorbency. Their safety has been hotly debated in baby diapers but overlooked in disposable menstrual products.
- Women are absent from upper management of Fortune 500 companies that manufacture disposable menstrual products.
- An individual woman throws away between 10,000 and 15,000 paper pads or tampons in her lifetime.
- The primary target markets of Fortune 500 companies are adolescent girls and underdeveloped countries like Eastern Europe, the Soviet Union, and the Pacific Rim.
- In the U.S., cloth menstrual pads are considered "medical devices".
- Disposable menstrual products are not sterilized.
- Chlorine bleaching of paper pulp results in 400-700 million pounds of toxins being dumped into U.S. waterways.
- Dioxins, the side-effect of chlorine bleaching, are suspected carcinogens and resistant to biological breakdown.
- Dioxins have been documented to impair liver function and depress human immune systems.
- The ozone layer is thinned by the CFC's that are produced in the manufacturing processes that utilize chlorine: plastics, paints, dyes, bleaching agents, cleaning solvents, aerosols, deodorants, refrigerants, and wood preservatives.
- Chlorine was the noxious substance used to suffocate soldiers during the First World War.
- French nurses experimented with the first disposable menstrual products made from cellulose surgical gauze during the First World War.
- Trout store dioxins up to 86,000 times more than the water they find themselves in. We eat this fish!
- Humans are harbouring increasing levels of dioxin in their fatty tissues and breast milk. (Ed. note: formula also has high dioxin levels, so this is not a reason not to breastfeed.)
- An estimated two million seabirds and one hundred thousand marine mammals die annually from swallowing plastics, including tampon applicators.
- Call the 1-800 number on disposable menstrual products and all white paper products and insist on products that have not been bleached at any stage of production with any chlorine.
Sources: Whitewash, Greenpeace

"I ordered from New Moon Pads about 10 years ago and haven't had to purchase any other feminine hygiene products since! I just reordered as I have lost a few, but they are still going strong! These things are seriously the best. They are easy to wash, stay in place, and don't leak."
~ Melissa